Parents can choose for their child (or the children may choose for themselves) from two types of main meals for age group Year 2 and above. Nursery, Reception and Year 1 has automatically preordered meal number 1 on the menu. Lunch is always served with a soup, a hot main course, side dish (if not part of the meal), mixed salad and either fruit or cake (fruit four times weekly and cake once a week).
Price list for academic year 2024/25
Lunch menu (Nursery, Reception and Year 1) NOTE: cost of lunch for this age group includes morning and afternoon snack | € 4.70 |
Lunch menu (Year 2 – 5) | € 4.95 |
Lunch menu (Year 6 – 9) | € 5.25 |
Lunch menu (Year 10 – 13) | € 5.45 |
Lunch menu gluten free/lactose free/other food restrictions | € 6.90 |
Morning snack (filled pastry, milk product, fruit, muesli bar) | € 3.65 |
How to sign children up for food services
- Please visit
Your registration will be confirmed as soon as you complete the online form. Invoices and payment information will be sent to the email address you specify on it.
How to select a menu and cancel a lunch
- During the summer holidays you will receive sign-up details at
- Log in and make the necessary changes yourself (choose menu/cancel lunch)
- You can only cancel a lunch or change the selected menu beforehand, at latest by 12:00 noon of the working day previous to the day when the lunch will be served (for example, you can only cancel or change Monday’s lunch by 12:00 noon on Friday of the previous week.)
- You will be billed for the lunch unless it is cancelled prior to the deadline,
- Your child will be automatically given the preset MENU 1 meal unless you select MENU 2 for him or her by the deadline.
- Lunches are automatically pre-ordered; you must make a change of a menu or cancel if you wish your child not to have lunch. It is necessary to do so until 12:00 noon time, previous working day.
City Gastro s.r.o. is entitled not to provide the student with lunch or another meal in case that the student’s responsible representative does not pay for the provided lunch (meal), on the basis of a certified invoice with a due date of 14 days and not even on the basis of a notification delivered (also by email) with an additional deadline for correction.
City Gastro s.r.o. je oprávnené neposkytnúť študentovi obed resp. inú stravu v prípade ak zodpovedný zástupca študenta neuhradí odplatu za poskytnutý obed (stravu), na základe doručenej faktúry s lehotou splatnosti 14 dní a ani na základe doručeného (aj emailom) upovedomenia s dodatočne poskytnutou lehotou na nápravu.