Satisfaction questionnaire for students 1. Your First name: 2. Year Group: NR12345678910111213 3. Parent´s email: 4. Are you satisfied with quality of food? ChooseVery satisfiedVery satisfiedOn average satisfiedRather dissatisfiedDissatisfied Please can you tell us more why you are not satisfied: 5. Does the composition of the menu suit you? ChooseVery satisfiedOn average satisfiedRather dissatisfiedDissatisfied Please can you tell us more why you are not satisfied: 6. Please name 3 points you like the most on our concept 7. Please name 3 points of concept/offer you think should change 8. How do you rate the soups? ChooseVery satisfiedOn average satisfiedRather dissatisfiedDissatisfied Please can you tell us more why you are not satisfied: 9. What kind of soups do you prefer? ChooseVegetableMeatMilky/SourCream 10. How do you rate the main meal? ChooseVery satisfiedOn average satisfiedRather dissatisfiedDissatisfied Please can you tell us more why you are not satisfied: 11. How do you rate the salads? ChooseVery satisfiedOn average satisfiedRather dissatisfiedDissatisfied Please can you tell us more why you are not satisfied: 12. How do you rate the fruits? ChooseVery satisfiedOn average satisfiedRather dissatisfiedDissatisfied Please can you tell us more why you are not satisfied: 13. How do you rate the cakes? ChooseVery satisfiedOn average satisfiedRather dissatisfiedDissatisfied Please can you tell us more why you are not satisfied: 14. How do you rate the salinity of food? ChooseLittle saltyRather satisfiedSaltyAccording to my taste 15. How do you rate the spiciness of food? ChooseIt is okToo spicy 16. Do you order food with your parent? ChooseYesNoSometimes 17. Which part from your lunch do you eat the most? (you can mark more than one answer): SoupMain mealSaladFruit/cake 18. Please name 3 groups of meals from vegetarian dishes you like the most: Czech / slovak traditional cuisine (dumplings, goulash,...)Flour dishes (sweet dumplings, steamed dumplings, vegetable cake /pizza,...)PastaRisottoFriedOther Other: 19. Please name 3 vegetarian dishes you dislike 20. Please name 3 groups of meals from meat dishes you like the most: Czech/ slovak traditional cuisine (dumplings, goulash,...)Flour dishes (sweet dumplings, meat strudel /cake,...)PastaRisottoFried („schnitzel“, chicken breasts,...)Meat without sauce (steak, meat balls, meatloaf,...)Meat with sauce (ragout, saute,...)Other Other: 21. Please name 3 meat dishes you dislike 22. How do you rate the additional assortment in the Food Store? ChooseI am satisfiedI would welcome a better / larger selection in the buffet 23. We would like to hear from you any feedback, please comment here: 24. Overall rating of food quality: